- Lehrende/r: Gilbert Krenn
- Lehrende/r: Uwe Trattnig
This integrated lecture deals with the topic of organiza?onal development as well as different types
of cri?cal change in an organiza?onal seDng. Students will learn how to iden?fy different types of organiza?onal challenges and changes. Students will be trained in adequate communica?on strategies in difficult situa?ons or projects of crisis (case studies). The development of skills should enable students to guide and lead teams or individuals through cri?cal organiza?onal situa?ons.
At the end students will develop a dedicated Guide Book for project-oriented Crisis Communica?on.
1) Introduc?on into Change, Crisis, Communica?on Management
2) Crisis Communica?on analysis and planning
3) Interna?onal Case studies and development of own Guide Book
- Lehrende/r: Bernd Liebmann